Devon Women in Business - Devon Women in Business Mini-Retreat at Dartmoor Reach Alpaca Farm

Fri 27 September 2024 12.30pm - 3.30pm

Dartmoor Reach Alpaca Farm, Dunley Lane, Bovey Tracey, TQ13 9PW

Louise Jenner, 07766250192

£40 member discounts apply

Spend a nourishing afternoon with Yoga and Meditation teacher, Natalie Hyson, and enjoy an afternoon mini-retreat at Dartmoor Reach Alpaca Farm, Bovey Tracey.

The afternoon will include an organic lunch, made from the farm's home-grown and home-reared produce; a chance to hang out and say hello to the friendly alpacas - all 16 of them! You will get the chance to have a look at Dartmoor Reach's glamping huts and converted double-decker bus nestled in the peaceful tranquillity of the Devonshire countryside. Followed by a restorative Guided Meditation and Visualisation - a perfect way to end your working week and a peaceful start to your weekend!

If the weather permits, we will be eating and meditating outside on the 'sala.'

We have extended the time slot for this event to allow us to make the most of this gorgeous venue and to ensure there is plenty of time for relaxed networking.


Buffet-style lunch which will use all home-grown and home-reared produce where possible. It will include things like - a varied selection of mixed salads: crispbreads with goat's cheese and our home-reared bacon, homemade bread, our own sausages, a smoked salmon quiche, homemade dips and picky bits and delicious cake for pudding.

There is free parking at Dartmoor Reach Alpaca Farm but car-sharing is encouraged.

Guests welcome, Member discounts apply

Event Organised By

Devon Women in Business


A networking organisation open to female business owners and employees across Devon. We also organise the annual Devon Women in Business Awards as well as webinars and workshops

There are 4 membership options starting from £5pm but feel free to come along as a guest to see if we are a good fit for your business

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