Thrive Business networking breakfasts are great opportunities to gain valuable industry insights while making new business contacts, so join us and make new business connections all whilst enjoying a good breakfast, or catch up with the contacts you have made at Thrive events and discuss upcoming business opportunities.
If you would like to know how we network or if you'd like to come along to one of our Thrive networking groups in Norwich, please get in touch and we'll book you a visitor spot. Lorna will be on hand to help facilitate introductions so that you can focus on your networking.
Networking can provide business people and entrepreneurs with the process through which they create new opportunities and new ventures, for us at Thrive it's bringing people together for face-to-face and online contact through effective networking.
Thrive.Buzz is a business community that has been focusing on supporting businesses since June 2014.
If you'd like to come along as a guest to a Thrive meeting please get in touch at enquiries@thrive.buzz, or call 01603 672712.
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